Do you find supervising watering plants in class a bit of a chore?
One of the most frequently raised concerns I get from teachers when we discuss growing vegetables in school is “I’m worried about fitting in watering the plants enough, between maths and literacy and all the other things we have to do.” In a family garden too, watering is an important, frequent job which can feel a bit of a boring chore. So “fitting it in” seems like a burden, something which takes time away from more important things.
But young children don’t look at watering things in the same way. When you’re little, most interactions with water are fun. We need to throw away our adult categorisation of watering as a chore and see it through a child’s eyes.
In this booklet you will find some suggestions on how to bring other parts of the curriculum into class watering activities, as well as ways to help children to do routine watering more independently so you can get on with other work with the main group.
The download contains two printables, each to cover a week of class, differentiated for Early Years and older primary children.
You will also be given access to our weekly emails with more ideas for growing and cooking with children. You can opt out of these at any time if you don’t find them useful.
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