Winter seasonal food printables
Want to eat more seasonal food but keep forgetting to factor it in to your meal prep and shopping lists? Why not start with winter seasonal foods?
This collection of three A4 single sided full colour printables gives you a full lists of fruits and vegetables that are in season in the UK in the winter. It comprises a list of UK grown seasonal foods for December, January and February and includes some popular foods that we import. Please note this is a single download with three pages on it.
You might prefer to buy all four seasons in a bundle for a lower price – see the other listings for the full Year of Seasonal Food Printables.
What’s the benefit of winter seasonal foods?
Seasonal foods usually cost less, they are generally better for the environment, and most importantly they almost always taste better too! If you are trying to encourage your children to try more fruits and veggies, it makes sense to try them when they taste best, and when they will cost you the least to experiment with, so it’s less of a big deal if children aren’t keen.
The sheets are also child friendly so you can encourage children to get involved in picking out some foods to try – choosing foods, naming them and finding them in the supermarket are great ways to build familiarity which has been shown to help with picky eating.
Each sheet has symbols to show which foods grow in the UK, which are always imported and which are a mixture of both, so children (and grown ups!) can try to find foods with fewer airmiles at times of year when that is possible.
Use the sheets to build your shopping list or search for recipes which use as many seasonal ingredients as possible. Pin it on the noticeboard for everyone to see. Or take it to the supermarket for children to find some of the most tasty veggies this month.
We also offer pre-printed cards on lovely silk recycled paper sent through the post either in one batch or at the start of each month. If you prefer that idea see our other products and look for the A5 card ones.
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